Trend lines for three reservoirs are given in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Annual Maximum Inflows and their Rolling 5-Year Mean
Figure 2 shows the density (smoothed histogram) for logarithm of annual maximum inflows to visually check for normality.
Figure 2. Distributions of \(\log{(\mathit{MaxQ})}\)
Figure 3 shows a more statistical way to check for normality using quantile-quantile plots. We expect the points to fall on the line if the data conforms with the distribution.
Figure 3. Q-Q Plots for \(\log{(\mathit{MaxQ})}\)
Table 1 shows the extrapolation of 100-year flood level events. The 2006 flood in Folsom stands out from the rest of the flows so much that it exceeds the 100-year expectation derived from the overall data set.
Reservoir | MaxRecord | Q100 |
FOL | 127617 | 122513 |
ORO | 127863 | 169295 |
SHA | 110890 | 146554 |
Figure 4 shows the significant processing steps in this analysis.
Figure 4. Data flow forfloods